Day4! A journey of Yours and Mine:- How do you look at Digital Marketing (part 2), My suggestions.

Kshitij Bhatnagar
2 min readJun 13, 2021


So, as my question yesterday was, what could be the best way/solution for a beginner to “achieve something in this industry”? And I would like to say just provide “value” to your community, didn’t get it? okay, just read the full article.

Suppose you are a college graduate and you are searching for a job as a “data analyst” or just recently joined one, and you want to do some side hustle also, but what to do? how to build community? what to do something i.e could be productive after some time? these types of questions always bother you.

So the very first basic suggestion would be, not to expect a high return in your initial stage. Suppose you thought of doing freelancing in that and started blogging, good, that’s really a great step, but don’t think from the very first day about how to monetize it, how to use google ads or FB ads, because in beginning no one is an expert and no one publishes their best, so if you use these tools to advertise, there would be a very low engagement because of “not expected / well-explained content”.

The second suggestion is, talk about your experiences, learnings, mistakes of your interest or expertise area, and if you don’t have, don’t worry I’m with you…hahaha, okay jokes aside, just do some thought process about your learnings of any subjects, but try to be relevant with your audience, don’t just copy and paste articles, because readers are way smarter than you, remember that!!

So, take inspiration from others, learn how they do it, how they started, because copy and inspiration have a world of difference.

So that is my suggestion because I recently also started with these thoughts and it is my beginning also, so I believe you got my point now.

Tell me whether my thoughts are worth reading or I need to do more thought process because I also want to learn from you all, so do suggest to me whatever you think about it.

Thank you for giving your time.

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Kshitij Bhatnagar

I'm a learner like you, just want to learn, grow both in personal and professional life like you let's do it together.