What is FOMO notification?

Kshitij Bhatnagar
3 min readMar 19, 2022


What is fomo notification and how does it impact business functioning? This is a question that many beginners/freshers ask. So, let me clarify in this article about its meaning, usages, steps, and more:


Fear of missing out is a situation where people believe they will miss out on a great opportunity if they don’t take specific actions. For instance, they think they would miss out on enjoying the New Year’s party if they don’t go out with their friends.

Similarly, in the business world, fomo impacts business and affects their sales & revenue ratio. To make it more clear, understand it in these ways.

Companies use advertisements to create a psychological impact on consumers to purchase their services quickly. For example, a Byju advertisement displays the urgency of buying their services for students.

Basics of Fomo Notification

A Fomo notification is a type of push notifications service that online businesses use to display on their websites. Fomo notifications help companies show their direct messages to their potential audience.

Moreover, it helps them connect efficiently with their potential consumers. Therefore, when it comes to generating leads, revenues, and profits for the company, fomo notifications help a lot.

That is how Fomo notification works:

WCF customized fomo notification plugin has many features and it comes with 14 unique popup makers. Let’s look at five of them:

  1. Discount Coupon: Many eCommerce platforms use this push notification to drive revenues and increase sales of their products. The basic structure of this popup displays a short & direct message with the ongoing discount. E-Commerce businesses are just a major example, this popup plugin can be used on any platform that needs to sell its products to direct customers or any other b2b business.
  2. Live Counter: Trust is the basic requirement for any business whether it is online or offline. Therefore, WeCodeFuture provides you with the “Live counter” popup notification to build trust with your audience. This popup maker shows the read count visitors on your website. So, when the public sees that you have a good amount of total visitors, they gain trust within you.
  3. Countdown Popup: To increase the chances of sales and revenues, businesses use this push notification. This popup shows the time left for specific products/services. Thus, if you market your product strategically, this popup maker can be very fruitful for your business.
  4. Random Review: The plugin is helpful in building trust as it shows the positive reviews of your existing customers. It has demographics by which the consumer’s location can be shown. Hence, it builds trust among the audience to purchase from your site.
  5. “Leads” Builder: Leads are the soul of any business. Therefore, WeCodeFuture brings the best popup maker that can give your quality leads. Here, you get the “Email-Sign ups” “Contact Details” collector plugin. These two web push notifications help companies get quality leads.

Wrapping Up:

In order to get the best solution, you need to have the best features on your platform. Only then you can get the result you expect. Therefore, installing the WCF WordPress Fomo plugin will be the best choice you can make.

This software comes with two membership plans: Free & Paid. Suppose you want to test & learn how it works. Then you get a complete 30-days Free Trial policy, where no money for buying is required.

However, the free plan has limited features. For example, it comes with only Three notification pop-ups, whereas the paid version has Fourteen different popup makers. And to your context, the above-mentioned benefits are a part of the paid version. So, investing in the best web development agency 19$/M only would be the best investment you can make.



Kshitij Bhatnagar

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